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Wie spricht man das Englische Wort "further" aus?

för - dann das th wie bei "the" oder "they" - r

Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch - leo.org: Startseite
klick da einfach auf die kleinen lautsprechersymbole, dann bekommst du alles vorgelesen für die zukunft.
Empfinde ich als die beste Antwort.

Etwas fehlt aber noch: Es kommt darauf an, ob man Amerikanisches oder Britisches Englisch benutzt. Ersteres betont das "r" durchweg schön deutlich. Folglich ist bezieht sich diese Antwort auf das Britische Englisch.
Tendenziell mag ich mal behaupten, dass man in der Schule häufiger die amerikanische Aussprache hört, weil man davon mehr mitbekommt als Deutscher.

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Ebenfalls auf Lautsprechersymbole klicken. Geht aber schneller als bei Leo
stimmt ich mag das britische trotzdem lieber
hat irgendwie. mehr stil
Ich auch. Ich empfinde die amerikanische Aussprache irgendwie zu übertrieben betont und sie klingt nicht so edel; außerdem haben sie die Sprache ja nicht "erfunden"
das adjektiv, das mir beim klang des Ami-Englisch durch den Kopf geht ist "ordinär"
föh-th-er (wobei das "th" so gesprochen wird, als ob du lispeln würdest, also mit der Zungespitze zwischen den Zähnen.
AUF KEINEN FALL das r sprechen! Das tritt hier nicht in Erscheinung. und die Betonung liegt auf der ersten Silbe. Schau mal im Wörterbuch nach, da sollte die Umschrift mit drin stehen.
das spricht man wie in three, eben dieses gelispelte "S".
Schlechtes Beispiel, denn das "th" gibt es in zwei Varianten: stimmhaft und stimmlos. Das in "three" ist stimmlos, das in "further" dagegen stimmhaft wie auch in "the".
zum th - nicht wie three , sondern wie THEY - also stimmhaft
Nicht ganz, ist so ein Zwischending zwischen Three und they.
ist ok - allerdings ist es in der lautschrift schlichtweg das "stimmhaft-zeichen", oder?

Charakterisierung Englisch Just Along for a Ride Fehle?

Wäre lieb, wenn jmnd. drüberschauen könnte und evtl. Fehler findet, Verbesserungsvorschläge.
The story “Just Along for the Ride” by Dennis Kurumada in 1972 is about young boys who dirve in a car and try to flatten a kid. This plan gets out of control and doesn’t turn out well. The main character of the story ”Just Along for a Ride” is a male student, about 16 years old. The protagonist uses everyday language He describes himself being “pretty dull” , because he drives around with his friend who just got his license. In fact he is “cold, damp and bored” what the narrator also tells us directly l.15l.10l.15l.30l.8l.8l.16l.8) It seems that he tries to be funny and cool, so the others respect him. In conclusion I think Phil isn’t very authentic and very likeable. I have the impression that he is a daredevil and a false friend.
Auf die Schnelle:
The story “Just Along for the Ride” by Dennis Kurumada in 1972 is about young boys who dirve in a car and try to flatten a kid. This plan gets out of control and doesn’t turn out well. The main character of the story ”Just Along for a Ride” is a male student*, about 16 years old*. The protagonist uses everyday language .
He describes himself being “pretty dull” kein Komma because he drives around with his friend who just got his license. In fact, he is “cold, damp and bored” what the narrator also tells us directly (the main character is also the narrator).
That implies that they aren’t very creative, otherwise he wouldn’t be bored. As the other boys want to flatten a kid, he doesn’t agree. On the one hand, he has feelings of guilty, he’s a thoughtful person. On the other hand, he is scared, which means that he is a careful person and thinks about the consequences. Because of this characteristic, he is gibed by his friends. They think that he is a killjoy and not humorous. For example: “You worry too much. Whenever we wanna have some fun, you always chicken out.” . He isn’t very assertive or strong-minded in the beginning. His friends retune and oppress him. For instance: “We drive up slow, then swing open the door real fast, and knock the guy on his can,” says Phil . The protagonist is against it. “You guys are nuts,” he says and “What if they call the cops?” Although they still do it. Or in line 34 he wants the driver to stop the car but the driver convinces him that it is necessary to drive on. In the end, he feels guilty even if it hasn’t been his idea and he tried to stop the others. That’s why he is really responsible-minded but he also doesn’t want his friends to get in trouble, he’s kind of loyal. He shows his feelings what makes him sensible . Finally, he gets strong-minded and assertive. At night, his friends visit him and propose / suggest that he forgets about the crime. He gets mad and visits the victim, what nobody expects. All in al,l I think the protagonist is a adorable person. I can identify with the character because it’s realistic how he reacts . Besides, I liked -- a lot that he did not do what his friends want him to do . He goes his own way and that’s brave.
In opposite to the protagonist there’s Phil also a co-driver. He is male, a student and about 16 years old. The first time he says something, he cuts off the protagonist . That’s impolite and not respectful . On top of that, he is vicious, careless and sneaky because he has the idea “to drive up to somebody….some kid….and flatten him.” He is language is colloquial, e. g. “We wanna have some fun…“ and firstly he doesn’t speak fluently It seems that he tries to be funny and cool*, so* the others respect him. In conclusion I think Phil isn’t very authentic and very likeable. I have the impression that he is a daredevil and a false friend.
Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.eu,
für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.
  • In der Schriftsprache sollten keine Kurzformen (doesn't usw.) verwendet werden.
Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.
by Dennis Kurumada, in 1972.
male student, about 16 years old
He gets mad and visits the victim, what nobody expects -> No on expects it , but he gets mad & visits the victim.
All in all I think the protagonist is a adorable person.

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