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Carla Columna |
"Modern Family" auf Pro7: Alles zur heutigen Episode "Alarmstufe Rot"

Die beliebte Comedyserie "Modern Family" - sie greift in diversen Handlungssträngen das Leben miteinander verflochtener Familien auf. Heute, am 17.04.2024, strahlt Pro7 die 16. Episode der 10. Staffel mit dem Titel "Alarmstufe Rot" aus – und zwar ab 15:10 Uhr.58525 Pro7 ermöglicht es den Zuschauern – neben der traditionellen Fernsehausstrahlung – diese Folge auch via Livestream zu genießen. Perfekt für jene die unterwegs sind; oder bevorzugen über das Internet zuzuschauen. Was erwartet Uns in "Alarmstufe Rot"? Die Episode beleuchtet den Alltag von Jay mit Gloria seiner zweiten Frau und ihrem Sohn aus einer anderen Beziehung. [+]

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Suchergebnisse: Family Family Entertainment help

Steam family sharing auf einem PC?

Hey, ich hatte gestern, dank Steam, einen Verbindungsfehler zu den Steamservern im Wettkampf und nun einen Wochenbann. Ich war nicht der einzige, von 10 waren 8 weg. Jetzt wollte ich via Family-sharing einen 2. Account mit CS:GO machen, aber ich bekomme immer "Name ist nicht mit Matchmakingservern verbunden". Irgendwie erkennt Steam ja, dass ich am selben PC bin, wie kann ich das ändern? VPN oder einen ID changer für den PC?
Mal abgesehen finde ich es echt Sch*e von Valve/Hidden Path mit dem Bannsystem, da der PC oder der Router mal abschmieren kann oder man, sowie in meinem Fall jetzt, von den Steamservern mitten im Match getrennt wird und nicht wieder connecten kann und dann bekommt einen Bann , obwohl man dafür nichts kann
Kommst du noch in andere Steam Sachen rein?

Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student Family Pack

ich habe mir Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student Family Pack gekauft und möchte dieses auf meinen PC mit WIN XP Professional installieren, d.h. ja das dann eine Lizenz vergeben ist.
Aber demnächst werde ich WIN 7 Ultimate auf mein PC machen. Ich muss dann Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student Family Pack neu installieren.
Die anderen beiden Lizenzen brauche ich für andere PC's im Haus.
Wenn ich jetzt aber Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student Family Pack neu installiere , zählt es dann der PC als ob ich die Software 4 mal Installieren würde, oder kann ich es ohne bedenken neu installieren?

Die aktivierungsfunktion wird sich die Hardware merken und wenn du dann ein enues Betriebsysten drauf hast(Windows 7->Gute Wahl!) sollte das keine Rollse spielen
ICh allen für sie schnelle Antwort nur diese hier sagt mir am meisten Bescheid

a) Wenn du das Win7Ultimate über XP installierst, wird vermutlich alles übernommen, macht am wenigsten Arbeit. Lizenz bleibt auch erhalten.
b) Wenn du Win7Ultimate installierst und dabei das XP "platt" machst, musst du zwar alle Programme und auch dein Office neu installieren, verbrauchst da aber auch wieder nur die erste Lizenz.
c) selbst wenn du innerhalb deiner Win7-Umgebung den XPMode aktivierst und darin nochmal dein Office installierst - und auf den beiden anderen PC's auch Office installierst, wird MS das nicht stören, da es auf derselben Maschine genutzt wird. Erwin
.und wenn es doch probleme mit der aktivierung/registrierung geben sollte, kann man problemlos bei microsoft anrufen und das wieder freischalten lassen. Kommt halt ab und an mal vor, dass man nen rechner neu aufsetzt, und dass dann ein programm unbrauchbar wird wäre doch sehr übertrieben.
Nein, die alte Installation ist dann ja gelöscht.
Was aber passieren könnte: Da Du viermal innerhalb kurzer Zeit installierst, könnte die vierte Aktivierung verweigert werden. Dann musst Du bei Microsoft anrufen, die Situation erklären, und den Produktschlüssel zurücksetzen lassen.
.die Anzahl der Lizenzen gilt für drei verschiedene Rechner im Haushalt. Wenn die Software deinstalliert und wieder neu aufgespielt wird bleibt die Anzahl der PC's gleich.

Kelly family - wie heißt dieses mitglied?

Kelly family-An Angel#14 - YouTube
was hier den refrein singt, mit dem pinken oberteil
Hier hätte man es auch herauslesen können^^:

The Kelly Family – Wikipedia
Meine Ex hat die rauf und runter gehört. Na ja, das färbt dann halt ab.
tut mir leid das ist nicht meine generation
ich weiß auch nicht wieso ich mir das antue
aber die bei skype freuen sich über meinen gesang
in Pink?

Das ist für mich Maite Kelly.

siehe Pic.

Kelly family - wie heißt dieses mitglied?
Der Sprecher heißt Paddy, der dann auch die Gitarre spielt heißt Paddy. Der andere, der dann später singt heißt Angelo.
omg. ich bin das n typ oder nich?
ja ach die sehn alle so "geschlechtsneutral" aus xD
Hey, meine EX war KELLYFAN und es ist ANGELO wenn du einmal die Nase, Gesichtszüge und Co. anschaust. Da kann ich wetten
Host family letter gut so? Dringend
hi ich will ein jahr in die USA und wollte fragen ob ihr vielleicht verbesserungsvorschläge für meinen Brief an meine gastfamilie habt. Auch rechtschreibfehler gerne korrigieren. Da der brief zu lang ist werde ich den rest als kommentar darunter posten.
Dear host family, first of all I really want to thank you for reading my letter and that you're willing to accept an exchange student in your family
I thought alot about what I want to write in this letter but it's still not easy do find the right words. Nevertheless I hope that it will help you to get to know me a bit and my everyday life after you read the following lines.
My name ist Yasmin and I'm 16 years old. My family and I are living in townhouse in a relativley large city in the north of Germany. My family consists of my mother , my father, my younger brother and my older sister. My father is 50 years old and avery funny person. He likes do do sports and he desperately wants do get a sixpack but he is not close to that aim. In contrast to may father, my mother is a bit uptight but she can also be funny when she wants to. To be honest I have a better realationship to my father because of his attitude and I also think that I resemble him more. Althouhg I really love animals, especially cats, we don't have any pets. Not long ago I had a hamster , her name was Mücke but after she died I wasn't able to have another pet.
My family is very important to me because they're always by my side if I need them and hopefully they will also be by my side in the future. When I talk about my family you maybe think about my parents and my siblings but when I say family than I mean everyone, my aunts,uncles and cousins.Like you can imagine I have a really big family and each of them is important to me, especially my cousins. They are like friends for me because I can talk to them whenever I want to and I spend time with them nearly every day. My cousins and I grew up together and I can't imagine my life without them. My family places priority on coherency so because of that we are doing family gatherings at least once in a week. At the weekend we usually gather at our house or my aunts house, she is living nearby and then we make a huge dinner and we mostly eat the whole day and talk alot.
Becuase of one of my hobbies it sometimes can be difficult to be present at every of our gatherings but I'm trying not to be absend. The hobby that I talked about right now is sewing. Sewing is my biggest hobby and I try to sew as much as I can, but like I said there are many other things that I also have to do. After my father gave me a sweing machine as my christmas present two years ago, I started sewing in my freetime. Since my best friend Rebekka also got a sweing machine from her grandmother one year ago we started to sew togehter.
At first we made little cellphone cases and we used them for ourself but when other students in our school saw them, they also wanted to have our cases. They alway asked were we bought them and when we said that we made them with our own machines, they asked if we sell them at the internet. Thats why we started to produce more cases and we even started to make cosmetic bags and scarfs and sold them at school or to family members. Now we are selling our self made creations at the flea market but I'm not doing this for the money. I'm doing it because it's fun to spend time with my best friend and it's really nice if someone praises you and you get recognition for your work. So every friday I meet with Rebekka and that is our sweing day, on saturdays we go to the flea market to sell our products but only when it is warm enough because the flea market is outside. As you can see it is really time consuming to do my hobby but like I said I'm doing it because it makes me happy and it's fun. You could definitly say I am a person that is interested in kreativ things because besides sewing I am also doing crochet and Ilike to knit and to do origami. Kniting, doing origami and crochet are not hobbies that I regularly do ,as sewing but I do them when I feel like it. But what I regularly do is reading, mostly thick books with 500 pages and they have to be thriller or sometimes I read psycho thriller. My favorite author is Mary Higgins Clark and I think I've read mostly all of her book becuase her books are very exciting. When I find a book that I really like than I can't just put it away, I have to read it till the end. I often borrow books from the libary because it would be too expensive if I buy every book I like. Even when I mostly read thriller with 500 pages I also really like reading mangas. Since I was a kid I liked the japanes culture and watched animes for example. This affinity for the japanese culture is something that I share with my sister and aslo with most of my cousins. My sister is 18 years old and we have a realationship that is a bit complicated. It's not that we don't like each other but she is always just in her room and she doesn't like to go out or to be with other people. You can say we have different personality but thats not the main problem, the problem is that I nearly never see her so I also can't talk with her. But when she is in the living room or we go out somewhere together I can guarantee that it will be fun. She is really funny and when you talk with her you will notice that she is a smart person and when you know her better you will notice that she is realy talented in many areas, for example drawing. I admire her alot. My sister lives vegan, that topic is related to another one of my hobbies. Baking is something that I like to do very much and I started baking because my sister started to life vegan. When we had our family gatherings at the weekend she could never eat any cake.That's why I tried to make a vegan cake for her so that she could also eat a dessert. Seda liked my first cake and this encouraged me to try out other vegan recipes and now I'm just baking vegan pastries anymore. Of course I know it’s not guaranteed that I can practice all of my hobbies in the U.S. Actually I’m not sad about that, because I want to try something new. Maybe youcan imagine that I'm not just doing things with my family. I also often meet with friends.
Like I've mentioned before I have a best friend and we are doing alot of things together. She is the te first person that I call when I want to go outside or want to go shopping. what I also really like is meeting with all of my friends together. So it's not just one person that I go shopping with but six or seven persons. Every year on my birthday my best friends gather at my house an we make a sleepover celebration where we watch horror movies and we sing with my singstar for playstation 2. In the past i sang in the school choir for 4 years but because of my sewing and because of the school i had to quit. to be honest I am a really horrible singer, but i think the main point is to enyoj it. i love this gatherings because I'm the kind of person that likes to be with many people and I also like to talk alot with everyone. My friends always say : " If I had to describe you with an object it would be a lexis." They say that because I really like it very much to know things. I watch documentaries or look things up in the internet because it is so great to know abou everything and then I talk about these things because I find it so interessting. Sometimes I start to talk about things that are not really necassary to know but I think the more you know the better. But they are my friends and they mean it in a positive way. I think they appreciate me because I'm often the person that the others tell theire problems to. My friends know that they can tell me everything and they know that I wouldn't tell it anyone else and if they need any help I would do everything that's possible for them. Because friends are the family you choose and I would do everything for my family and the same for my friends. I don't have problems making friends because I talk alot, like I said before and I also like to be with other people and to learn more about them but I choose my friends carefully. There are many people that I like but there are only a few persons that I relly call a good friends. Now I want to tell you why I want to do an exchange year in the USA. i want to do an exchange year because I love to travel around and see different places, countries and to learn about different cultures. After I had decided to do an exchange year I thought alot about where I want to go to in my. After a long time I decided to go to america because I heard so many great things abou the USA from other people that went to america as an exchange student. Everyone told me about how warm hearted the americans are and that hey had the best time of theire lifes while they where in the U.S. I aslo want to expirience knew things and discover a totally new culture with different people, that is why I signed in for the U.S. Of course I am scared of all the changes and that I will be away from my family but I hope that when I come back from america that I can say I have a second family and a second home.
So this was a little explanation of my life and of me. I want to thank you a second time for reading it untill the end. It would be really great if you liked my short essay and maybe you would like to know me better.
With best wishes from Germany.
Neue Sitcom wie Modern Family o. College sitcom.
Hey wie schon oben im titel erwaähnt suche ich nach einer neuen Serie zum gucken. Sie kann entweder ähnlich sein wie Modern Family oder allgemein eine College Sitcom oder über Studenten.
dann schau dir unbedingt mal Girls an. Das ist eine im Vergleich authentische Sitcom über junge New Yorker. Sehr amüsant und gut gemacht.
Hat zwar nix mit College oder so zu tun, aber New Girl und Happy Endings sind zwei Serien, die ich erfrischend anders finde. Lustig und sympathisch.
Parks and Recreation wäre auch ne Möglichkeit.

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