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kennt jemand das lied in dem diese strophe vorkommt: how could k know what will I see when will the answer come to me

weis jemand wie das lied bzw. der künstler von dem lied heißt in dem diese strophe vorkommt:
"how,could,i,know,what,will,I,see,when, will,the,answer,come.to,me,how,could,i,kn ow,show,me,the." ^^
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evt Ashanti?
Songtext: Avantasia - Lost in Space Lyrics | Magistrix.de

what do german boyfriends like?

I have a german boyfriend, but we have a long distance relationship. I would like to know what does german boys like from girls and what´s the better way to make them happy . Thanks!

I think german boys are as different (and comlicated as the boys in other contries! But if you have a relationship with long distance, I think you should make you "present". With love-letters and SMS. A friend of mine sent his boyfriend in italy flowers with a text like "90 % of communication are non-verbal.". That was a nice idea, I think!
"90 % of communication are non-verbal."
`Cause your friend isn´t able to speak italian language, I guess.
She is! Her father is italian! But flowers are non-verbal.
"A friend of mine sent his boyfriend in italy flowers"

"She is! Her father is italian! But flowers are non-verbal. ;-)"

Male or female?

++ +++
But you´re right. It´s always a pretty nice gift.flowers. I like them, too.
The distance relationship isn´t very safe, i think. Would You like to meet him?
I believe Germans are not that far different from others.
Make a nice photoalbum or a video of yourself.
Send him over something wearing your scent, what you recently kept close to yourself, it might aswell just have your perfume on. Maybe a piece of clothing or a teddy bear.
At least write him a letter expressing your feelings.
photobook might be a better english expression
Hello Naticacg,

I think also, that german boys do love not describe on an other way, than the boys from your homecountry.

They're join the love like you do it too.

Make little presents for suprise, like photos, or love letters In germany ist this a very special way to show the love to anyone.

To hold on, I think the personal contakt is very important for you and your boyfriend. A call or even an visit to germany is the best thing for each other. If you can make it possible, your boyfriend will be suprised.

I wish you all the best

Yours, Romy

I feel so much sorry, for my bad english, but I didn't speak oder write it, for a long time.
i had an american boyfriend a few years ago and i can tell you ther´s no different.I think boys like the same things all over the world.And i aggree with Romy that it would be a great idea to write him little love letters,or send him photos from you.But i think the best way is to let him feel that he is one of the most importent parts of your world.And
every girl find her own little ways to show a boy she loves

Wann sagt man im englischen What do you want und wann Whataya want?

What do you want? = Standard
Whaddya want? = Umgangsprache
Whachu want? = Umgangsprache
Das zweite spricht man eher so aus:
,Wodka want?"
Ersteres ist korrektes Englisch.
Das zweite ist Slang - und würde eher wie "waddaya want" ausgesprochen. Und wer weiß: vielleicht sogar geschrieben.
Allerdings klingt beides recht unhöflich.
PS: im Englischen
, earnest
Whataya want sagt man nur nach einem Schlaganfall
Ich suche einen englisches rap wahrscheindlich gesungen von einem schwarzen in dem immerwieder der Satz: when you fucking with me vorkommt.
Es kommt noch etwas vor das an rock n roll erinnert eine e-gitarre oder so
Ja gibt es, :)
ist von Lil Jon
Es heißt "Don't **** with me"

Nur nebenbei:
Lil Jon hat hier Raining Blood von Slayer gesamplet
Slayer - Raining Blood - YouTube

Viel Spaß
nein es ist kein rock n roll es spielt lediglich eine e gitarre mit
Suche dringend kostenlose Klaviernoten von Sum 41 - with me
Vielleicht könnt ihr mir Adressen sagen oder mir sie selbst schicken waäre lieb^^

Bitte sehr! Sollte ja leicht zu verstehen sein
jedoch sind das nur die akkorde ich bräuchte aber das ganze stück.nicht nur die akkorde xD
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hier gibt es auch viele
oder hier: Free sheet music on 8notes.com

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